Balance check: pacificcoastshoppingcentregiftcards.viisolutions.com.au
- These Terms and Conditions apply to use of the Pacific Coast Shopping Centres (Gift Card) which has been issued by Gowing Bros. Ltd T/A Pacific Coast Shopping Centres ABN 68 000 010 471 Suite 21, Jones Bay Wharf, 26-32 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont NSW 2009
- Customers should treat this Gift Card like cash. Defaced, mutilated, altered, lost or stolen Gift Cards will not be replaced, refunded, redeemed or returned.
- This Gift Card is redeemable for merchandise or services at participating retailers at participating Pacific Coast Shopping Centres. Participating Pacific Coast Shopping Centres are:
Coffs Central
Port Central
Kempsey Central - This Gift Card can be redeemed at participating retailers with EFTPOS facilities. Retailers without EFTPOS facilities are unable to accept this Gift Card.
- Retail stores may elect not to accept the Pacific Coast Shopping Centres Gift Card at their discretion
- This Gift Card is non-refundable and cannot be redeemed for cash. This Gift Card cannot be used for the payment of credit or retailer accounts.
- This Gift Card is partially redeemable. It is the responsibility of the customer to use the full value before the expiry date. Cash will not be given for any unused balance.
- This Gift Card is valid for 36 months from the date of issue. It is up to the cardholder to use the full value within the validity period. Any unused balance will not be refunded or credited when the Gift Card expires.
- Gift Card cannot be reloaded. No further value may be added to it.
- This Gift Card cannot be redeemed at any time when participating retailer’s EFTPOS system is offline for any reason.
- Purchases exceeding the Gift Card’s available balance require the difference to be paid by other method/s.
- Gift Cards can be credited with any amount between $10.00 and $999.00
- Each of the participating retailer’s return policy applies when returning goods purchased with a Pacific Coast Shopping Centres Gift Card.
- The customer is liable for all transactions on the Gift Card except to the extent to which there has been fraud or negligence by Pacific Coast Shopping Centres or any of its employees.
- No variations of these Terms and Conditions of Use bind us unless they have been approved and signed by Gowing Bros. Ltd T/A Pacific Coast Shopping Centres. Changes to the Terms and Conditions of Use will be available at the Customer Service Desk or Centre Management or on the Centre’s website www.pacificcoastshopping.com.au/giftcards
Coffs Central www.coffscentral.com.au
Port Central www.portcentralshopping.com.au
Kempsey Central www.kempseycentralshopping.com.au - Visit the Customer Service Desk or Centre Management if you have any reason to believe that an error has occurred in relation to your Gift Card.
- A customer can check their balance by logging on to the Centre’s website https://pacificcoastshoppingcentregiftcards.viisolutions.com.au/ and clicking on the Gift Card link or by phoning 1300 554 268
- Pacific Coast Shopping Centres will not be liable for any damages, liabilities, expenses, fines or costs, nor be in breach of these Gift Card Terms and Conditions of Use, for any failure to perform any term of these Gift Card Terms and Conditions of Use if such performance is delayed, prevented, restricted or interfered with for any reason outside Pacific Coast Shopping Centres control, including but not limited to fire, flood, storm, earthquake, accident, war, acts of sabotage, labour dispute, materials or labour shortage (other than shortages of its own staff or staff under its control), system failure, power failure or shortage, law, regulation or act or omission of third persons.
- These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws applicable in the State of NSW and the parties submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of that state.
- Purchase or use of this Gift Card constitutes your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.
- Pacific Coast Shopping Centres reserves the right to change any term contained in these Gift Card Terms and Conditions of Use where the change is required:
- to add or remove participating retailers at which the Gift Card may be redeemed, or the goods and/or services which may be purchased using the Gift Card;
- to comply with all relevant laws, acts, ordinances, rules, regulations, other delegated legislation, codes and the requirements and directions of any relevant Commonwealth, State or Local Government Departments, bodies and public authorities, in force from time to time;
- for reasonable operational, administrative, compliance or corporate governance reasons, or to prevent the occurrence of fraud or other unlawful, unethical or unacceptable conduct; or
- where Pacific Coast Shopping Centres, acting reasonably, considers that it will not cause detriment to the customer.
Shopping Centre enquiries:
Port Central and Kempsey Central: phone 5525 1000 or email [email protected]
Coffs Central: phone 5622 8900 or email [email protected]
FOR ENQUIRIES ABOUT YOUR GIFT CARD go to www.pacificcoastshopping.com.au/giftcards or call 1300 554 268.